The 5 Tastes Table

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Piña Colada Sabayon

Photo: c. foodblogchef 2020

In the spirit of culinary ecumenicalism, I'm calling this recipe Piña Colada Sabayon. Like the Zabaglione recipe on this site, it’s basically a light, foamy custard flavored with wine or liqueur. This variation of the dessert uses grilled pineapple marinated in dark rum topped with a Sabayon/Zabaglione custard sauce flavored with Coconut Rum. If you want a light elegant dessert to finish your dinner, this easy, sumptuous, coconut-rum inflected custard-sauce over fresh pineapple or mango is sure to please. Explore and you will be rewarded! If you don’t want to have to wait for fresh pineapple to ripen, you can also find fresh, already cored and cleaned fresh pineapple in the fruit section of your local supermarket.

Serves 4

  • 3 large egg yolks at room temperature

  • 3 tablespoons sugar

  • 2 tablespoons coconut rum

  • ¾ inch thick slices of fresh pineapple

  • 2 tablespoons dark rum


  1. Marinate the pineapple slices in the rum for at least an hour (preferably more).

  2. Mix the sugar and egg yolks in a 2-quart rounded bottom pot, or stainless steel bowl, holding the edge with a potholder; add the dark and coconut rum you used to marinate the pineapple.

  3. Beat the ingredients with a hand mixer at high speed until foamy. Alternatively, you can use a whisk and whisk the ingredients briskly until foamy. (The electric beater is easier!)

  4. Place over a boiling pot of water over medium heat and continue beating or whisking. Don’t let the hot water touch the bowl with the ingredients. You want the heat from the steam to provide a nice even heat. The mixture will thicken and increase greatly (about double) in volume. When mixture feels just warm, remove the pot from heat.

  5. Continue beating, periodically placing the pot back over heat and quickly removing the pot again once the mixture is warm. Once you have a nice runny, thick, frothy sauce you’ve got it. Do not overheat it or you will curdle the eggs.

Practice makes perfect. When ready, the Sabayon/Zabaglione will be thick, foamy, and slightly warm — but not hot — to the touch. Let it cool a little before spooning over your fruit. It will thicken as it cools and will keep overnight in a covered bowl. Bring to room temperature before using, or warm over boiling water as above whisking constantly until just warm.

Serve with a garnish of toasted coconut and coconut, Amaretto, or hazelnut cookies.

Try substituting your favorite liqueur or dry Marsala wine for the Rum to match the fruit, cake, or cookies you are serving with your own Sabayon/Zabaglione.